The weather in Northern Cyprus is wonderful if you like it hot and warm; So forget the gray sky, the rain and the cold and start thinking about sunshine and beautiful Think about beaches. Summer in Northern Cyprus is spent outdoors. The temperatures Start to rise to thirty degrees (Celcius) in mid-June to July. you will be quickly realize that Cypriots love nature. Nature begins to change in winter in Northern Cyprus to rain and shows its most beautiful colors in spring to create a scene of to present incomparable beauty, while the temperature is very rare drops below 3-4 degrees (Celcius). In autumn and spring the island enters a time of Peace and relaxation and enjoy mild temperatures.

North Cyprus

The cuisine of Northern Cyprus embodies influences from the north (Southeastern Europe), the East (West Asia), the South (North Africa) and the West (Mediterranean), resulting in an excellent selection of pasta dishes made from dough, raw and cooked vegetables and various types of seafood. In addition Meat skewers and finally delicious desserts.


Northern Cyprus has a rich and demanding education system. The affordable tuition fees and moderate cost of living in Combination with internationally recognized standards make the country for everyone attractive, who have an excellent education as well as an unbeatable Seek life experience.


The economy of Northern Cyprus has experienced rapid growth in recent years Experienced growth, which is mainly due to tourism. Although the Agriculture and manufacturing are the main economic sectors are, their share of GDP is declining. Tourism has priority and its share in GDP increases from year to year. In addition to tourism, the construction industry has also developed recovered and now employs 17.5% of the working population, more than that Tourism itself, which accounts for 11.4% of the working population.


Northern Cyprus has a state-of-the-art healthcare system and the medical care meets the highest standards for visitors and emigrants can be a pleasant relief if they are there during their stay need medical assistance during your stay in Northern Cyprus. In addition, there are costs anything but exorbitant for medical treatment in Northern Cyprus.